641: Tornadus
I’m Luke Summerhayes, and I love Tornadus.
Two of the most commonly depicted gods in Japanese mythology are Fujin and Raijin, the gods of wind and thunder respectively. Fujin, the wind god, wields a large bellows which it uses to produce wind, while Raijin beats a drum to make thunder. Both are usually depicted as ogre or demon-like creatures with colorful skin.
The ancient Japanese practice of recognizing kami in all things great and small doesn’t always translate neatly to the English word god, but storm gods are common in many cultures around the world. Japan is an island chain buffeted by typhoons every year, so their significance is understandable. Combined with the legend of the Kamikaze, the divine wind which sunk the Mongol fleet and saved Japan from invasion, it’s understandable they are commonly worshipped.
Tornadus is a Legendary Flying type Pokémon which resembles a green demon floating on a cloud, with a purple tail which encircles the monster very much how Fujin’s wind bag is often depicted like a halo around it.
Tornadus expels massive energy from its tail, causing severe storms. Its power is great enough to blow houses away.
Black 2
In every direction it flies, creating winds so powerful, they blow everything away.
White 2
Tornadus was the first purely flying type Pokémon, making it a uniquely difficult monster to battle either with or against. It has enormous attack and also very high speed, so it’s role in a team is fairly easy to see.
Incarnate Forme
Legends: Arceus
This storm-stirring Pokémon is said to cause the seasons to turn by whipping up the air. I suspect its humanlike form to be a false one.
As of black 2 and white 2, Tornadus and the other Forces Nature gained a Therian Form, in which they resemble animals. In Tornadus’ case, this animal is a bulky green bird, wearing its cloud on its back leading into a long purple tail. In this form, Tornadus’ speed is even more outrageously high.
The lower half of its body is wrapped in a cloud of energy. It zooms through the sky at 200 mph.
Therian Forme
Legends: Arceus
An example of what is known as a “form change,” though I suspect this strange avian guise to be Tornadus's true form. Tornadus has been sighted crossing the ocean while in this form.
Tornadus and its stablemates are an odd group of Pokémon. When they first appeared in Pokémon Black and White, they felt like a group of very similar -looking colour-swapped genies from Disney’s Aladdin. Learning more about their inspirations, as we’ll do in the coming weeks, and seeing their cooler Therian forms, they develop into a very interesting group of monsters.
Original music for Luke Loves Pokémon is by Jonathan Cromie. Artwork is by Katie Groves. Funding is provided by listeners at Patreon. If you enjoy this podcast and want to check out other shows by me and my friends, head to podcastiopodcastius.org.
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I love Tornadus. And remember, I love you too.