Displaying 1 - 30 of 473 in total
645: Landorus
LandorusThe third of the Forces of Nature.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMNbluesky: https://bsky.app/...
644: Zekrom
ZekromThe Yin to Reshiram's Yang.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMNbluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/p...
643: Reshiram
ReshiramThe Yang to Zekrom's Yin.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMNbluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/p...
642: Thundurus
ThundurusThe second of the Forces of Nature.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMNbluesky: https://bsky.ap...
641: Tornadus
TornadusThe first of the Forces of Nature.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMNbluesky: https://bsky.app/...
REPOST: Shroomish and Breloom
Shroomish and Breloom.No new episode this week, so here's an old classic to relisten to.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebo...
Assembling the Ultimate Christmas Team
Luke and Andy bring you a little extra Christmas nonsense.Happy holidays, see you next year!Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://fa...
1010: Iron Leaves
Iron Leaves (and Virizion).The Paradox Swords of Justice are here!Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMNCh...
640: Virizion
Virizion.Continuing the Generation 5 Legendaries. The dandy of the Swords of Justice and the Three Musketeers.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfa...
1022: Iron Boulder
Iron Boulder (and Terrakion).The Paradox Swords of Justice are here!Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMN...
639: Terrakion
Terrakion.Continuing the Generation 5 Legendaries. The himbo of the Swords of Justice and the Three Musketeers.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNf...
1023: Iron Crown
Iron Crown (and Cobalion).The Paradox Swords of Justice are here!Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMNChe...
638: Cobalion
Cobalion.Starting the Generation 5 Legendaries. Starting the Swords of Justice. And getting into the Three Musketeers.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLov...
988: Slither Wing and 994: Iron Moth
Slither Wing and Iron Moth (and Volcarona).Ancient Mothra and Mecha Mothra.Correction: Last week's episode initially went up with the wrong "Moyles on Mon" section. Th...
636: Larvesta and Family
Larvesta and Volcarona.Moths, sun gods and Mothra.Correction: Last week's episode initially went up with the wrong "Moyles on Mon" section. The file has been edited to...
993: Iron Jugulis
Iron Jugulis (and Hydreigon).Mecha King Ghidora!Correction: Last week's episode initially went up with the wrong "Moyles on Mon" section. The file has been edited to n...
636: Deino and Family
UPDATE: Now with the correct Moyles on Mon segment!Deino, Zweilous and Hydreigon.Orochi, the hydra and King Ghidora.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLoves...
632: Durant
Durant (and Heatmor).I've got ants in my pods.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMNCheck out other podcas...
631: Heatmor
Heatmor (and Durant).Anteater? Ant hardly knows her!Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMNCheck out other ...
629: Vullaby and Family
Vullaby and Mandibuzz.The vultures descend, but they aren't so bad.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMNC...
627: Rufflet and Family
Rufflet and Braviary.America, eagles, war and Ainu myths.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMNCheck out o...
626: Bouffalant
Bouffalant.Buffalo, bison and brutality.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMNCheck out other podcasts I m...
624: Pawniard and Family
Pawniard, Bisharp and Kingambit.Ants. Chess. Samurai. What do they have in common? War! And also this Pokémon.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfa...
622: Golett and Family
Golett and Golurk.Ancient golems and even more ancient robots.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMNCheck ...
621: Druddigon
Druddigon.See this beastie on a coat of arms near you soon!Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMNCheck out...
619: Mienfoo and Family
Mienfoo and Mienshao.Every Ermine was Kung Fu Fighting.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMNCheck out oth...
618: Stunfisk
Stunfisk and Galarian Stunfisk.A flatfish, a stargazer, a bear trap and a mimic. Now this is a Pokémon!Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook:...
616: Shelmet and Family
Shelmet and Accelgor.The other side of Karrablast's coin.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMNCheck out o...
615: Cryogonal
Cryogonal.A snowflake, but also a holy mirror, and maybe a metaphor for reincarnation? Cool.Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://fa...
613: Cubchoo and Family
Cubchoo and Beartic.A bear that isn't normal type. The Pokémon I literally wished for in 2010!Get in touch!twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMNfacebook: https://...