897: Spectrier

Sorry this one's a bit late; apparently I posted it without uploading an audio file! The other horsie. This one's a ghost. Get in touch! twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMN facebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMN I wanna hear why you love Pokémon in time for the 25th Anniversary! Also, you can support the show and its sister shows. https://patreon.com/PodcastioPodcastius
The other horsie. This one's a ghost.

Get in touch!
twitter: https://twitter.com/LukeLovesPKMN
facebook: https://facebook.com/LukeLovesPKMN
I wanna hear why you love Pokémon in time for the 25th Anniversary!

Also, you can support the show and its sister shows.
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